Nasya - Errhine Therapy
Nasya, Ayurvedic Nasal Therapy, is a very powerful treatment used for removing excess accumulated toxins from the head and the neck. It is extremely helpful in Vata and Kapha diseases affecting the scalp , hair, sense organs, facial skin, jaw, gums, teeth, throat, sinuses, brain, the mind and the brain. This therapy includes face massage, steam, administration of Nasya oil, herbal smoke inhalation and relaxation.
This treatment is only available after a consultation as your suitability to receive this treatment needs to be assessed. Please click the button below to schedule a free assessment call.
Nasya is highly effective for treating for diseases of the upper parts of the body - shoulder, neck and head. It is very effective in diseases like headache, sinus congestions, difficulty in movements of head and neck (which is seen in the case of cervical spondylosis), diseases of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, hair, scalp, shoulder, etc, swellings, enlargement of glands, goiter, tumors, skin diseases, epilepsy, loss of voice, dryness of nose and mouth, difficulty in speaking, ptosis (drooping of the eyelids) or difficulty in opening the eyes, facial paralysis, paralysis, darkish pigmentation on the face, loss of hair, neck rigidity and lockjaw.
Oily/dry scalp/dandruff
Congestion of eyes
Blocked ears/lack of ear wax
Excess mucous congestion in sinuses cold, flu
Deviated Septum
Lack of sense of smell/taste/hearing
Defective vision / eye tremors / twitches
Pain and degeneration in the neck, numbness in the fingers and arms
Facial skin issues - acne/hyperpigmentation/dryness/wrinkles
Loss of voice/disruption in speec
Stimulate the brain
Relieves fear and anxiety
Nasya in high dose should only be administered by a trained technician. Nasya in small dose should be performed daily at home.
Nasya, Ayurvedic Nasal Therapy, is a very powerful treatment used for removing excess accumulated toxins from the head and the neck. It is extremely helpful in Vata and Kapha diseases affecting the scalp , hair, sense organs, facial skin, jaw, gums, teeth, throat, sinuses, brain, the mind and the brain. This therapy includes face massage, steam, administration of Nasya oil, herbal smoke inhalation and relaxation.
This treatment is only available after a consultation as your suitability to receive this treatment needs to be assessed. Please click the button below to schedule a free assessment call.
Nasya is highly effective for treating for diseases of the upper parts of the body - shoulder, neck and head. It is very effective in diseases like headache, sinus congestions, difficulty in movements of head and neck (which is seen in the case of cervical spondylosis), diseases of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, hair, scalp, shoulder, etc, swellings, enlargement of glands, goiter, tumors, skin diseases, epilepsy, loss of voice, dryness of nose and mouth, difficulty in speaking, ptosis (drooping of the eyelids) or difficulty in opening the eyes, facial paralysis, paralysis, darkish pigmentation on the face, loss of hair, neck rigidity and lockjaw.
Oily/dry scalp/dandruff
Congestion of eyes
Blocked ears/lack of ear wax
Excess mucous congestion in sinuses cold, flu
Deviated Septum
Lack of sense of smell/taste/hearing
Defective vision / eye tremors / twitches
Pain and degeneration in the neck, numbness in the fingers and arms
Facial skin issues - acne/hyperpigmentation/dryness/wrinkles
Loss of voice/disruption in speec
Stimulate the brain
Relieves fear and anxiety
Nasya in high dose should only be administered by a trained technician. Nasya in small dose should be performed daily at home.
Nasya, Ayurvedic Nasal Therapy, is a very powerful treatment used for removing excess accumulated toxins from the head and the neck. It is extremely helpful in Vata and Kapha diseases affecting the scalp , hair, sense organs, facial skin, jaw, gums, teeth, throat, sinuses, brain, the mind and the brain. This therapy includes face massage, steam, administration of Nasya oil, herbal smoke inhalation and relaxation.
This treatment is only available after a consultation as your suitability to receive this treatment needs to be assessed. Please click the button below to schedule a free assessment call.
Nasya is highly effective for treating for diseases of the upper parts of the body - shoulder, neck and head. It is very effective in diseases like headache, sinus congestions, difficulty in movements of head and neck (which is seen in the case of cervical spondylosis), diseases of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, hair, scalp, shoulder, etc, swellings, enlargement of glands, goiter, tumors, skin diseases, epilepsy, loss of voice, dryness of nose and mouth, difficulty in speaking, ptosis (drooping of the eyelids) or difficulty in opening the eyes, facial paralysis, paralysis, darkish pigmentation on the face, loss of hair, neck rigidity and lockjaw.
Oily/dry scalp/dandruff
Congestion of eyes
Blocked ears/lack of ear wax
Excess mucous congestion in sinuses cold, flu
Deviated Septum
Lack of sense of smell/taste/hearing
Defective vision / eye tremors / twitches
Pain and degeneration in the neck, numbness in the fingers and arms
Facial skin issues - acne/hyperpigmentation/dryness/wrinkles
Loss of voice/disruption in speec
Stimulate the brain
Relieves fear and anxiety
Nasya in high dose should only be administered by a trained technician. Nasya in small dose should be performed daily at home.